mercredi 16 novembre 2016

03_First project presentation

   As we saw in the site analysis, the square is all about contrast. It goes from narrow spaces to wide spaces, from noisy ones to quiet ones, etc.. The existing museum is also interesting. This building talk about interiority. With its huge interior courtyard and its garden. The garden in the existing museum is an untouchable thing surrounded by wall, which cut the visitor from the rest of the city. The museum, as the all city, also talk about the utilization of a material, which is brick. Combining the characteristics of the square and those of the museum, I decided to make a building that takes the main characteristics of the museum but also contrast with it. So the extension is underground in contrast with the existing one, it expose contemporary instead of classic art, as a modern garden instead of a baroque one, use new ways of building with brick, ...

   The project takes place in front of the Sainte Cecile cathedral. To avoid it to be hide by the extension we decided to build it under the ground. 

 It’s a sequence of diferent spaces lighted by skylight. The exhibition room is a big space in which some elements invite the visitor to move, and to discover the different pieces exposed. More than just making inviting people to move around those elements also contains pieces of art which are lighted by skylight.

They also raise above the ground and affect the public space inviting one more time the people to move around, look through, sit on it,.. 

The round light coming from their pure geometry evolve during the day and the geometry it goes to. A bigger hole in the center of this room is a garden where people can look at some sculpture with a brick and vegetal background.

This wall uses new ways of assembly bricks which allow light to go through it. The utilisation of this kind of assembly is also part of the contrast with the existing museum. The same materials are used but in a very different way

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